Monday, 9 April 2012

No one deserves the ATOS INQUISITION -

I know that we are not supposed to rub dogs noses in their own faeces if they have done it in the wrong place any-more, and I agree, but in the case of Lisa Coleman and the ATOS Inquisition, they are human and they should be taught a lesson; it's their shit and they should live with it stinking their lives we have to put up with it seeping through the textures of our lives and our dignity.

Nobody deserves the Atos Inquisition - but they have their power from a divine edict from our leaders and they can Kill....

Thanks to the miracles of the ATOS INQUISITION people's real disabilities are written off and no longer are real or exist on any Government database, we are all data cured, our impairments written out of history - such is their devilish power; we all have to be productive units or be transported to the ghettos of our actively and discriminated against impoverished lives......

‎"This Government has decided to shoot its wounded....." too true as we told we can not afford even the smallest human dignity to disabled people.......
The Artist Taxi Driver - lots of F**k**g swearing, but are the Paralympians HAPPY with ATOS (who KILLS) sponsoring their little games 'cos they are OK thank you, while others with complex chronic conditions or with cancer are denied their welfare just because they could get to the ATOS Inquisition interviews..... ........
listen up...or are you too nervous already?

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