Tuesday, 20 November 2012

"Is it because we are disabled?!

"Is it because we are disabled?! " Listening to this, the Parliamentary examination of the 'Work' of ATOS and the Government, in what is purposeful discrimination against the chronically sick and disabled, is revealing, that if this action was against another group of people it would have been stopped by now. Huge waste of Public money spent on ineffective systems that are not being managed or controlled.

No checks about outputs by the DWP OR ATOS, it's all about processing the cattle ............... why are no media search lights falling on this total mismanagement and active discrimination?!


Monday, 12 November 2012

war memorial

on hearing of excrement found on a war memorial.


Bizarre story on local news about a war memorial in a South Yorkshire village where "an excrement" was "left" on a war memorial. The police are investigating and said that although it appears to be human excrement and describe "the act" as "abhorrent" they don't believe it to be "malicious". A local councillor then came on and said he doesn't know if someone was trying to make a "cheap point" or whether it was a "medical condition" but added "this is the sort of thing we should be flogging people for".

I always though war was shit,
do memorials recall the lost?
bound in their stone,
for the named dead,
unmarked whispers,
for the civilians,
adults and children,
babies un-born.
but oh the mortar,
made from sharp patriotic sand,
a cast of war crime denial,
honest and fearful sweat,
tears of the Grieving,
binds fighting passions,
opposing arguments on serving one's nation,
tumbled into one burning mix,
a soft under belly,
death claw,
hides behind the stone faces of acceptance,
binding them